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First, let's agree that you can eat whatever you want for any meal of the day. I'm a huge fan of "breakfast for dinner". With that said, here are some “lunch” and “dinner” ideas to spark your fancy when planning your next meal. #whatsforlunch #whatsfordinner
Chicken Kale Mozzarella Burger, Chipotle Black Bean Burger, Asparagus tossed in Butter, Avocado and Tomato
Butter Grilled Almond Flour Quesadilla with shaved Ribeye and Smoked Cheese, Sweet Kale Salad with Pecans
Sweet Kale Salad, Iron Skillet Sirloin, and Cappello’s Almond Flour Pasta with Florentine Alfredo Sauce
Don Lee Farms Chipotle Black Bean Burger atop Butter Sautéed Bok Choy, Onion, and Garlic
Grilled Chicken finished with Garlic Herb Butter, Asparagus with Crumbled, Crispy Bacon
Rotisserie Chicken with Frank’s Hot Sauce, Steamed Asparagus with Butter, and Avocado