#TimWalz 's #China Obsession Is Worse Than You Think
The U.S. Is Not Prepared To Fight One Major #War, But Three Major Wars Are Rapidly Approaching - #Russia #China #MiddleEast - https://endoftheamericandream.com/the-u-s-is-not-prepared-to-fight-one-major-war-but-three-major-wars-are-rapidly-approaching/
The #Beijing #Hamas – #Fatah Alliance: #CCP’s Role in Supporting Terrorist Unification - July 23, 2024, China mediated an agreement between #Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Fatah, to end their longstanding division and form a national unity government. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/beijing-hamas-fatah-alliance-ccps-role-supporting-terrorist/
#Ukraine Foreign Minister Travels to #China to Discuss the Road to Peace https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/ukrainian-foreign-minister-travels-to-china-to-discuss-the-road-to-peace/
Why Has The #Chinese Military Suddenly Become So Aggressive? Is Something Up? Does #China sense weakness in the #WhiteHouse? In recent days Chinese troops have been sent to #Belarus for military exercises, dozens of Chinese military aircraft have been threatening #Taiwan, and four Chinese military vessels were even detected off the coast of #Alaska. #fjb https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/why-has-the-chinese-military-suddenly-become-so-aggressive-is-something-up/