Healthy Mitochondria

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Healthy Mito is excited to announce we are not just a huge advocate for MitoRedLight therapy, but we are now an affiliate. If you want to learn more about how Red Light Therapy can assist you in your health and wellness goals, visit our Red Light Therapy page at:

Chicken Kale Mozzarella Burger, Chipotle Black Bean Burger, Asparagus tossed in Butter, Avocado and Tomato. It's   

Still working out-of-town. I hope to be headed home in a few days so I'm using up food I've bought while here. This is today's lunch.

Those are homemade keto roasted spiced pecans. And they are delicious! Every time I make keto quiche or keto pumpkin custard, I have leftover egg whites. Great protein but figuring out how to use them was a task. But after finding a spiced nut recipe that called for frothed egg whites, then tweaking the recipe a bit, these spiced nuts are my go to... Because we keep eating them as quick as I can make them. :-)

Back at out-of-town work. Staying at a place with limited kitchen resources and I can still make a fabulous, healthy breakfast.

I definitely have my go-to breakfast staples, but I mix it up a little with whatever I have around. This time, I added some extra asparagus and tossed in a few tomatoes with my avocado.

Jordan B Peterson to be "re-educated" due to his political opinions.

In this interview, Peterson describes how the Canadian court ruled that, although he has a fundamental right to free speech, the "College of Psychologists" can make up any rule at any time that can limit his free speech.

NOTE: what makes this worse is that nothing he did or said had anything to do with a patient; he no longer has "patients" but he maintains his license. Is it truly a fundamental right if a group can infringe upon that right at their sole discretion, when the right isn't being exercised under the purview of the field (a/k/a on your own time)? This position is a slippery slope stance that could eventually be expanded to open up risk to every self-help author and influencer, and anyone with their own opinion who makes that opinion public. (We have already seen in the last couple years how people were censored for not agreeing with the government supported stance; but now their stated positions are being validated. These professionals had educated themselves and came to vastly different conclusions and were silenced because they would not conform.)

This leads me to my personal belief that this has also been happening in the medical profession for decades. The AMA, NIH, or any other sub-category organization, creates a one size fits all "treatment protocol" for practically every condition or situation. It has turned a great majority of medicine into an "if this, then that" checklist that a small group determines and implements. Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all pill is usually at the end of that process. Doctors are endocrinated to accept these flow charts and utilize them instead of taking a case-by-case, individualized approach.

How? The organization gains wide consensus by telling professionals that "treatment protocols" offer protection against malpractice suits, because following these established standards will insulate doctors from findings of wrong-doing if every other potential doctor-witness testifies they would have done the exact same thing.

Except now the doctor has been forced to accept and incorporate whatever the organization deems correct, with no deference for the doctor to make an independent decision. More correctly, the doctor "can" make that independent decision, but they do so by placing themselves at risk:

 - to be found liable in a suit;

 - for an action against their license by the licensing organization;

 - or at a minimum, professional alienation by the whole of the group who will feel compelled to distance themselves, which will ultimately result in attacks to their reputation.

All of these risks will effect the professional's ability to make a living practicing their chosen field that they spent massive effort and a fortune to become qualified.

So I found Peterson's comments enlightening in that any professional organization can make up standards at any time, using any basis they choose, even if it is contrary to the science, and those "standards" can be used not to protect the practitioner or the field in general (that's the excuse they spout out loud), but rather to control the professional's freedom to truly "practice" their field at all.

The above discussion doesn't even scratch the surface of all the backdoor interests driving the creation of these policies and standards, all focused on monetary gain.

Butter Grilled Almond Flour Quesadilla with shaved Ribeye and Smoked Cheese, Sweet Kale Salad with Pecans


Sweet Kale Salad, Iron Skillet Sirloin, and Cappello’s Almond Flour Pasta with Florentine Alfredo Sauce. It’s #whatsfordinner

Cappello’s offers some of your favorites but gluten free and delicious utilizing almond flour. Their pasta is like eating real pasta but without the inflammatory gluten with the bonuses of higher protein content and about half the carbs of regular pasta.

Healthy Mito is excited to announce we are not just a huge advocate for MitoRedLight therapy, but we are now an affiliate. If you want to learn more about how Red Light Therapy can assist you in your health and wellness goals, visit our Red Light Therapy page at:

Chicken Kale Mozzarella Burger, Chipotle Black Bean Burger, Asparagus tossed in Butter, Avocado and Tomato. It's   

Still working out-of-town. I hope to be headed home in a few days so I'm using up food I've bought while here. This is today's lunch.

Those are homemade keto roasted spiced pecans. And they are delicious! Every time I make keto quiche or keto pumpkin custard, I have leftover egg whites. Great protein but figuring out how to use them was a task. But after finding a spiced nut recipe that called for frothed egg whites, then tweaking the recipe a bit, these spiced nuts are my go to... Because we keep eating them as quick as I can make them. :-)

Back at out-of-town work. Staying at a place with limited kitchen resources and I can still make a fabulous, healthy breakfast.

I definitely have my go-to breakfast staples, but I mix it up a little with whatever I have around. This time, I added some extra asparagus and tossed in a few tomatoes with my avocado.

Jordan B Peterson to be "re-educated" due to his political opinions.

In this interview, Peterson describes how the Canadian court ruled that, although he has a fundamental right to free speech, the "College of Psychologists" can make up any rule at any time that can limit his free speech.

NOTE: what makes this worse is that nothing he did or said had anything to do with a patient; he no longer has "patients" but he maintains his license. Is it truly a fundamental right if a group can infringe upon that right at their sole discretion, when the right isn't being exercised under the purview of the field (a/k/a on your own time)? This position is a slippery slope stance that could eventually be expanded to open up risk to every self-help author and influencer, and anyone with their own opinion who makes that opinion public. (We have already seen in the last couple years how people were censored for not agreeing with the government supported stance; but now their stated positions are being validated. These professionals had educated themselves and came to vastly different conclusions and were silenced because they would not conform.)

This leads me to my personal belief that this has also been happening in the medical profession for decades. The AMA, NIH, or any other sub-category organization, creates a one size fits all "treatment protocol" for practically every condition or situation. It has turned a great majority of medicine into an "if this, then that" checklist that a small group determines and implements. Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all pill is usually at the end of that process. Doctors are endocrinated to accept these flow charts and utilize them instead of taking a case-by-case, individualized approach.

How? The organization gains wide consensus by telling professionals that "treatment protocols" offer protection against malpractice suits, because following these established standards will insulate doctors from findings of wrong-doing if every other potential doctor-witness testifies they would have done the exact same thing.

Except now the doctor has been forced to accept and incorporate whatever the organization deems correct, with no deference for the doctor to make an independent decision. More correctly, the doctor "can" make that independent decision, but they do so by placing themselves at risk:

 - to be found liable in a suit;

 - for an action against their license by the licensing organization;

 - or at a minimum, professional alienation by the whole of the group who will feel compelled to distance themselves, which will ultimately result in attacks to their reputation.

All of these risks will effect the professional's ability to make a living practicing their chosen field that they spent massive effort and a fortune to become qualified.

So I found Peterson's comments enlightening in that any professional organization can make up standards at any time, using any basis they choose, even if it is contrary to the science, and those "standards" can be used not to protect the practitioner or the field in general (that's the excuse they spout out loud), but rather to control the professional's freedom to truly "practice" their field at all.

The above discussion doesn't even scratch the surface of all the backdoor interests driving the creation of these policies and standards, all focused on monetary gain.

Butter Grilled Almond Flour Quesadilla with shaved Ribeye and Smoked Cheese, Sweet Kale Salad with Pecans


Sweet Kale Salad, Iron Skillet Sirloin, and Cappello’s Almond Flour Pasta with Florentine Alfredo Sauce. It’s #whatsfordinner

Cappello’s offers some of your favorites but gluten free and delicious utilizing almond flour. Their pasta is like eating real pasta but without the inflammatory gluten with the bonuses of higher protein content and about half the carbs of regular pasta.