Louis Rossmann - Philips changes terms AFTER the sale: requires data-sharing account to use a light bulb:
#PhilipsHue #SmartLighting #SmartDevice #IoT #LightBulb #DataCollection #Privacy #FalseAdvertising #TermsOfService #Security #Buzzword #Gaslighting #Marketing
Cooper Quintin - Apple and Google Are Introducing New Ways to Defeat Cell Site Simulators, But Is it Enough?
#CellSiteSimulator #CSS #IMSICatcher #Stingray #NullCipher #Encryption #Privacy #EFF #InformationTechnology #Telecommunications
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols - Soon the most popular 'real' desktop will be the Linux desktop:
#MicrosoftWindows #Microsoft #DesktopAsAService #DaaS #Privacy #CounterpartyRisk #CloudComputing #Linux #ComputerScience
Thomas Claburn - Google's next big idea for browser security looks like another freedom grab to some:
#WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI #Chromium #Privacy #Freedom #Google #ApplicationProgrammingInterface #API #ComputerScience