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  • I pray to God every day for His divine protection & safety to envelop you & your family, Sir.  All of America is behind you. We love you!! #8646 #45Forever

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    Feeds' Comments
    • Well, you KNOW we'll be expecting photos/videos! Have a great time, Grant, & know that I'll be living that day vicariously through you! 

      • The correct dot on the ballot was filled in. 

        • 😆 1
        • Why would he stop it when he's getting a cut? These people are evil & need to be stopped. 

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          • The only reason I don't want to see Trump as POTUS again is because of this very thing. SS/DD with those people - they'll disrupt his 2nd presidency even worse than they did the 1st one. The right says, "promises made, promises kept," while the left says, "see? he didn't do what he promised." They pushed back on everything he tried to do, brought charges against him, even tried to impeach him TWICE, which is why so many things were left undone by the end of his term. Still though... 

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