Survivors and #UN report blame #Russia for explosion that killed over 50 #Ukrainian #POWs
#AmericaInApostasy #AmericaUnderJudgment
Apostate Reprobate America, no one YET has listed anyone in #Congress present or running or their #POTUS candidates pledging to get out of the #UN and dismantling the Tyrannical system! You voting both parties is still voting for evil! Yet, you gave #KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump and others millions of dollars yet not one of you reprobate donated crumbs to others and to me, you not donating to me is consenting to population reduction and killing disabled handicapped people like ME! You want to comment, meet me IN PRESON, PERSONALLY! #GodDamnAmerica 😡😠
WATCH: Your Death Is Their Goal - Your #death is the ultimate goal of the #UnitedNations Agenda. These people obsess over it day and night: #UN -
#America, how many of your choices for #POTUS #Congress and others pledge and actually do this, Get the #UnitedNaions OUT of the USA and Vice Versa!?
#UN Declares War on #FREESPEECH to Censor the TRUTH, Subvert Accountability, Control Populations
Why Is The #Truth Being Ignored? #UnitedNations #UN #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #Bush #Clinton #Klinton #Obama -
#FreeSpeech at Risk: #UN Pushes for #Global “Hate Speech” Eradication - #UnitedNations -