#PEDOpeter got covid and went on vacation and grew 6"........Humm....
IF the CHILD RAPING #PEDOpeter biden CANT STAND for an hour to debate the FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY
Then, He SHOULD NOT be leading Our Country
its That Simple
In #PEDOpeter Bidens America.......
So, How does this even happen these days....?
we ARE NOT SECURE in OUR OWN Country anymore.........
Thanks #PEDOpeter You TRAITOR
Do you really think that #PEDOpeter biden and his merry band of alphabet soup twats REALLY care about our Rights ?
oh, you did..........thats cute.....
Thanks a bunch #PEDOpeter .........You Treasonous Bastard
Not to worry, when they use up the 6 billion
#PEDOPeter gave them for the last ones, he will just buy them back again......AFTER they have been tortured and Raped over and over and over again....