Kelly Kizer Whitt - New lunar lander Athena launches to the moon:
#Athena #IntuitiveMachines #LunarLander #MonsMounton #NASA #CommercialLunarPayloadServices #CLPS #WaterOnMoon #WaterIce #LunarExploration #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
#Perfectionism And “A Sense Of Urgency” Are Characteristics Of #WhiteSupremacy , According To #NASA [VIDEO]
The Johns Hopkins University APL - NASA’s New Horizons Detects Dusty Hints of an Extended Kuiper Belt:
#NewHorizons #NASA #KuiperBelt #VenetiaBurney #DustCounter #InterplanetaryDust #**** #KuiperBeltObject #KuiperBelt #KBO #SolarSystemScience #Astrophysics #Astronomy
Paul Serran - Nova-C Lunar Mission Takes off in Florida, on Its Way to the First American Moon Landing in More Than Half a Century:
#Odysseus #LunarLander #NovaC #IntuitiveMachines #IM1 #NASA #MalapertA #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
Katherine Kretke - NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Discovers 2nd Asteroid During Dinkinesh Flyby:
#Dinkinesh #AsteroidBelt #BinaryAsteroid #Asteroid #Lucy #LORRI #NASA #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
APOD - Halloween and the Wizard Nebula:
#WizardNebula #Nebula #NGC7380 #StarFormation #NASA #APOD #Spooky #Halloween #Astrophysics #Astronomy