This SHAM with these #ClownAttorneys and #ClownJudge in this #KangarooCourt MUST END NOW....
Oh, not to worry...... The Fat Cow WILL TRY something else tomorrow.......
When does this SHAM end
what a #ClownShow With a #ClownJudge in a #KangarooCourt
When does this SHAM END......
what a #ClownShow With a #ClownJudge in a #KangarooCourt
Another Biden Pedophile #ClownJudge allows a Biden Lover MURDERER to walk FREE.....
this is Why NOBODY RESPECTS THE LAW..........
"Use Common Sense".......
Says the #ClownJudge in the #KangarooCour ..........
thats as Laughable and the Entire Scandal is.......
And the
#ClownJudge WILL GET AWAY WITH IT.......because ELECTION INTERFERENCE IS their Intention.......