Ezra Kaplan - DEA agent seeks federal immunity after allegedly killing Salem cyclist:
#Oregon #NinthCircuit #FederalImmunity #Fentanyl #DrugEnforcement #WarOnDrugs #TrafficCrash #TrafficSafety #BicycleSafety #FailureToYield #NegligentHomicide #CarViolence #AssaultCar #StopCars #NotOneMore #Transportation #LawEnforcement #Law
RT - Badly parked car wreaks havoc in parking lot:
#Chelyabinsk #AutonomousCar #SelfDriving #FullyAutomatic #AssaultCar #TrafficCrash #CarViolence #StopCars #TrafficSafety
Patrick Orsagos - NTSB team visits scene of deadly Ohio bus crash involving high school students:
#TuscarawasValley #Tuscarawas #LickingCounty #Ohio #Tragedy #TrafficCrash #TrafficSafety #NTSB #Transportation
The Guardian - Ohio school bus crash kills one child and injures 23 others:
#TrafficCrash #Lawrenceville #Ohio #Schoolbus #Seatbelts #Tragedy #CarViolence #StopCars #TrafficSafety #Transportation
Jesse O’Neill - Out-of-control teen driver speeding at over 120 mph nearly kills cop:
#TrafficCrash #Drifting #CurveControl #WrongWay #BMW #PleaseHoonResponsibly #AssaultCar #NotOneMore #StopCrashing #StopCars #CarExtremism #EndCarViolence #CarViolence #TrafficSafety