Defensive #Gun Use Shows #SecondAmendment Remains Necessary, Even After Tragedies
#KamalaHarris is an Existential Nazi Fascist Communist Threat to the #SecondAmendment and Supports #Gun Confiscation - #2a #2ashallnotbeinfringed -
The Same #Government That Defends Those Who #****** The Innocent In The #Womb With Armed Security, Are The Same Ones Accusing The Armed, Innocent Americans Who Defend Themselves Against The Crimes Of The Guilty! - #******** #2a #secondamendment -******-the-innocent-in-the-womb-with-armed-security-are-the-same-ones-accusing-the-armed-innocent-americans-who-defend-themselves-against-the-crimes-of-the/
What’s in #GavinNewsom’s Proposed “Amendment” - he wants to add a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would END the #SecondAmendment.