Sam Sholtis - Making light 'feel' a magnetic field like an electron would:
#Light #MagneticField #PhotonicCrystal #Silicon #LandauLevels #Dispersion #Holography #Photonics #Physics
NRAO - Astronomers Unveil Strong Magnetic Fields Spiraling at the Edge of Milky Way’s Central Black Hole:
#EventHorizonTelescope #EHT #ALMA #PolarizedLight #RadioWave #SagittariusA #BlackHole #MagneticField #MatterJet #Astrophysics #Astronomy
Karen McNulty Walsh, Peter Genzer, Brookhaven National Laboratory - Super strong magnetic fields leave imprint on nuclear matter:
#HeavyIonCollision #ElectromagneticField #MagneticField #QuarkGluonPlasma #QGP #AtomicPhysics #Physics
Max Planck Society - New discovery points the way to more compact fusion power plants:
#MagneticContainment #MagneticField #Plasma #XPointRadiator #Tungsten #RadiativeDivertor #Divertor #EdgeLocalizedModes #ELM #ASDEX #Tokamak #Fusion #NuclearEnergy #Nuclear #ThermalPhysics #Physics