Al Jazeera - A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour:
#TrafficSignal #TrafficLight #TrafficSafety #Throughput #Efficiency #ParliamentSquare #London #WilliamPott #Detroit #GasLight #GarrettMorgan #ElectricLight #SemaphoreSignalling #Semaphore #History #TransportationEngineering #Engineering #Transportation
NIST - Scientists modify common lab refrigerator to cool faster with less energy:
#Refrigeration #PulseTubeRefrigerator #Refrigerator #PTR #AcousticOptimization #Efficiency #Cryogenics #Physics
Steve Janoski - NYC high schooler creates astonishingly accurate AI algorithm for 911 callers to get help they actually need:
#EmergencyCall #Dispatch #Categorization #ResponseTime #ResourceAllocation #Efficiency #Algorithm #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #PublicSafety #Mathematics #ComputerScience
Genia Dulot - California Startup Converting Jets to Hydrogen:
#UniversalHydrogen #HydrogenFuel #Hydrogen #Efficiency #NoisePollution #ZeroEmissions #AlternativeFuel #AlternativeEnergy #Physics #Aviation #Transportation
Xinhua - China's intelligently upgraded highways top 3,500 kilometers:
#HighwayDesign #Highway #Efficiency #TrafficSafety #Safety #Transportation #CivilEngineering #Engineering