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The Trump assassination attempt gives new power to an old political tendency
America’s Jacksonian Turn.By Walter Russell MeadDonald Trump was only glancingly wounded on Saturday, but the effects of the attack and of his courageous response will be profound. His chance of victory substantially increased, and the movement he represents will continue to be a powerful force in American policy regardless of November’s result.Mr. Trump is part of a strain of American politics that Andrew Jackson brought to power in 1828. In domestic politics, Jacksonians are skeptical of big business, hate the political and social establishment, and demand “common sense” solutions to complex problems.They support the military but not an officer class seen as distant from the values and fol
The Loss of Political Trust
Trump’s epitaph must include credit for injecting “fake news” into the lexicon. You are reading these words via alternative media born in response to the industrialization of fake news. The news business is zero-sum. Every lost NY Times or Washington Post subscriber becomes a Twitter, YouTube, Rumble, Gateway Pundit, etc. viewer. The industry just experienced a staggering crisis of trust over the Biden coverup.The overall financial implications of continuous erosion of trust in government have yet to be grasped. For homework, online search: fake+u.s.+government+economic+statistics. Especially significant will be the coming de facto credit downgrading resulting from the Biden fiasco. Credit i
Paul Saw John Standing There
Sixty-seven years ago, we had Sputnik, the start of the second Eisenhower administration, the last "I love Lucy" episode, the first "American Bandstand" on TV, Viet Cong guerrillas attacked a place called South Vietnam, the National Guard was sent to Little Rock, Arkansas, a movie called "Jailhouse Rock" and a number one hit about two kids who fell asleep at the movies, i.e. "Wake up little Susie."Across the Atlantic, something else happened that no one heard about.  On this day in 1957, Paul McCartney saw John Lennon standing there and they started to travel on the long and winding road. John was 16 and Paul had just turned 15.According to The Beatles Bible, the meeting went something like
The Problem of Academic Management
Ignore stock market valuations as irrelevant.  American business is in big trouble, and the cause is what I call “academic management” in government, politics, and business.  No major business is run logically anymore.Politics definitely feeds off business, and the left has made a huge effort to control both business and the reporting of economics, but no one wants to talk about the 400-pound gorilla: the resulting bad management.An old friend once said, “Big business exists for only one reason: to provide bonuses to middle- and upper-level management.”  He explained that the public, customers, employees, and stockholders are important, but only to be kept mollified in order to keep bonuses
Good and Evil
The moral evil of human action divides people and breeds discord. However, it comes in many guises that may easily deceive us. And for those whose heart is empty, nothing is easier than pretending to be good. Outward piety and renunciation may well mask the worst of cruelty.In some periods, there is ample cause for optimism (e.g. around the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989), in others for the opposite: pessimism. At present, there are many signs that good is giving way to evil. In the countries of the West, we seem to be setting ourselves up for a strange future. Accumulating events both inside and outside our borders relegate us to a secondary role in the ongoing world drama.For
Trump and the True Basis of Conservatism
Once and future President Donald Trump addressed the Libertarian Party convention on May 25. He was reaching out to unify all who oppose a second term for Democrat president Joe Biden. It was not a success, as he was jeered and heckled. Disagreements among the delegates regarding Trump spawned fistfights the day before. Exasperated, Trump told the crowd "Maybe you don't want to win. Keep getting your three to four percent every year." Yet that is exactly what the Libertarians are happy with, wedded to an ideology that rejects being practical in a world they reject.Trump’s visit demonstrated the fundamental divide between “classical liberals” and conservatives which should inform the latter g
The Deep State and Globalism
Theodore Roosevelt spoke of an invisible government in his presidency (1901-1909). He was alluding to a hidden power behind the visible government that today is referred to as “the deep state.” It is the unofficial target of blame for action against the will of the people. A finger pointed at it in the last century that signaled a change to America that would end its freedom and independence. The following touches on that “dot” among the many that help explain the drive toward a “new world order.”Among the “dots” associated with such an extraordinary change to America are a couple that helped lead the way toward global governance. One was the social turmoil that erupted in the 1960s, a false
The dark turn of modern slang
It’s interesting to reflect on the implications of American slang for approbation and enthusiasm.  Old-timey slang included terms like “the bee’s knees,” “cat’s pajamas” and “copacetic.”  They were humorous and light-hearted expressions of appreciation, without the expectation of control in the relationship with the admired object.  The 1950s beat slang saw a bemused irreverence for daddio, slouching into passivity when the with-it were cats and chicks, and things were cool, man.The ’60s saw more mind-bended vernacular for enthusiasm like “far out,” “groovy,” “out of sight,” “dig it,” and “down with it.”  Popular music of the ’80s and ’90s contributed baleful terms like “bad” and “bad-ass” f
White Christian Nationalism: Threat or mirage?
In the eyes of liberals, there is only one thing worse than Christian nationalism. It is White Christian nationalism. The addition of the adjective “White” supercharges the expression with vitriol and power, turning its followers (especially if they are male) into something everyone should love to hate.Judging from the liberal media uproar, the dangers of White Christian Nationalism (WCN) are immense. It is systemic, found everywhere inside the culture and governing structures of American society. Should something like this triumph, it will be the end of American democracy.People would think that this White Christian Nationalism, being such a broad and imminent threat, must have many ways of
The Bezmenov Plan: Is America now in the Last Stage?
President Joe Biden’s welcoming Easter Sunday message posted on X that, “Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all trans Americans: I see you…” was shocking. Most could not understand how the President’s judgment can be so skewed on the most holy day for Christians.As offensive as this was, it provides a window through which all can see what’s happening. With Biden’s cognitive decline being so obvious, there can be little doubt that he is being used by internal and external enemies of America intent on breaking down the constitutional republic of the United States without firing a shot. And it’s not hard to recognize the plan being followed is parallel to the bl
The Two Americas
It is increasingly obvious, and we've known it for a long time, that America has become divided. It is split between Right and Left, between those who hold on to traditional American values based upon Judeo-Christianity, the Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution, and those who have fallen for the Marxist, socialist, atheistic, materialistic lie that has produced a globalist, licentious ungodliness embodied in the Democratic Party. And there is no middle ground. Inaction or vacillation means supporting evil. You either fight evil or you condone it and lose to it. The Left is trying to change America. They're attempting to transform the country from what it was for 200+ years. And
The Real State of the Union
Most of the time, a president’s State of the Union speech is avuncular. I wouldn’t say paternal because, as we know, paternalism is next to patriarchy is next to women as sexual objects is next to Adam noticing that Eve was naked.The point of a president presenting himself as everyone’s favorite uncle is to sell us on the idea that all is well in the Land of Oz: “all friendly like” as Eliza Doolittle put it.But obviously, right now in Bidenomics America, everything is not under control. So forget Uncle Joe. It was Biden the Barbarian, politics red in tooth and claw, on Thursday night.#AmericanThinker #SOTU #StateOfTheUnion #President #Politics ‍
Are The Republicans Getting Ready For The Election Legal Fight Or Are They Blowing It Again
Ronna McDaniel is gone and American patriots should rejoice that her reign of failure has ended. There’s a new team in charge at the Republican National Committee, and this is a really good time to remind everybody that Ronna McDaniel was a total disaster, and there is absolutely no evidence apparent to any of us out in the world that the Republicans have learned anything from their lawfare disasters in 2020 and 2022 and that they are doing anything about it. That should be the Number One job of the new leadership team, even before repairing the damaged relationship with donors that Ronna McDaniel’s inept tenure inspired. We have got to fix the legal problems facing Republicans in elections
Woke Policies Threaten to Shatter America's Multi-Generational Military legacy
The U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force all face a severe and worsening recruiting crisis that imperils their future strength, readiness, and warfighting capabilities. Despite devoting immense resources and effort towards attracting qualified recruits, only the Marine Corps and Space Force are meeting targets for bringing in the next generation of talent. This deeply troubling trend has profound implications for national security if left unaddressed.At the core of this challenge lies a growing disconnect between the culture and values of contemporary American youth and the traditional ethos of military service. Compared to past generations, an ever-shrinking percentage of the population has any di
Lessons for the Future Republic
Victor Davis Hanson and Dennis Prager are keen observers of American society.  Like honored physicians who examine the body politic for disease, they expertly diagnose what ails our country.  What they say and write matters.  It is significant, then, when both reach the conclusion that the United States is disintegrating.  In an essay entitled “American Paralysis and Decline,” Hanson begins by quoting Roman historian Livy: “We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.”  He then walks us through America’s open border crisis, unsustainable debt, epidemic of crime, and weaponization of the criminal justice system.  In every instance, he argues, Americans know that the disease is killing
One of the Last of the Greatest Generation
William Samuel “Sam” Studstill died last week, in Monroe County, GA, at age 98.  He was laid to rest at Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery on March 4, 2024.Nothing distinguished Sam from the millions of other World War II vets who were drafted as young men, served and fought honorably, and in the process defeated the greatest evils in history.  Then they returned home, had families, and built the largest economy, strongest military, and greatest country the world has ever seen.Now, for the first time in my life, I don’t know a single living WWII veteran.#AmericanThinker #WWII #GreatestGeneration #Military #AmericanPride ‍
Is America Still Worth Fighting For?
The question is one that every American military member has to literally ask himself or herself when signing up. Is America still worth fighting for?Increasingly, this question hits closer to home for Americans who still believe in the idea of American exceptionalism, that this country’s unique system of government, combined with God-given freedoms protected by nothing more than the parchment of the Constitution and the deep commitment of Americans themselves, is the one exception in a world otherwise ruled by kings, fascists, tyrants, elitist oligarchs, and dictators. They believe that America is the only thing in the world that stands between tyranny and basic universal human dignity.Throu
The elites versus the rest of us
The elites view radical, violent protest movements — and the groups that foster them, such as Black Lives Matter — with extraordinary tolerance and charity.  But when a true populist movement arises, and white, working-class Christians get uppity and threaten to vote for someone like a Donald Trump, they go into full “snit” mode and look down their noses in horror and approbation at the great unwashed.Brexit, too, was an example of the elites being caught with their pants down.  They simply couldn’t believe that many folks would challenge the wisdom they so generously espoused from atop their political thrones.  With staggering and sickening hubris, these elites characterized Trump’s rise an
Time to Recall Members of Congress
Our Non-Representative CongressThe voting numbers of the Congress show that we no longer have a representative democracy. Nor are we Republicans and Democrats. We are Nationalists and Globalists.Based on their voting, the Globalist Party consists of 69 percent of the Senate and 65 percent of the House. Constituents, however, voted for 49 percent of the Senate and 51 percent of the House.Had their representatives voted as their constituents wanted, Biden policies would have been stopped. The fact that these policies have not been stopped has not only disappointed but angered an increasing number of legitimate voters.Why do these elected officials betray their constituents?The answer lies in m
Under the Democrats’ Rule, America Has Become A Failed State
Thomas Jefferson wrote about governments that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” In modern English, government exists to do for men those things they cannot do for themselves: protect the nation, ensure tranquility within the nation and guarantee God-given individual rights are not trampled upon within the nation. Our government has failed in that task. Our nation, therefore, is a failed sta