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Let’s clear the air about vegan farts. Are they to blame for climate change? Vegans produce 7 times more methane gas than a cow.

In the climate change debate, some policymakers seem to be bovine flatulence deniers, while all tree huggers are vegan flatulence deniers.

This became apparent in the fuss over the Green New Deal put forward by some liberal Democrats. More precisely, the fuss over an information sheet by the plan’s advocates.

Bill Gates went on to explain how no one knows how to stop bovine flatulence, a major contributor to climate change.

Today a new study by the University of Lowanna in New South Whales, Australia sheads some light on the effect that Veganism is having on society, the study found Vegans produce 7 times the methane gas of a cow, when on a vegan diet.

COW FARTS… SORT OF: I can’t count the number of clickbait headlines I’ve seen saying that cow farts are to blame for climate change. And they’re not entirely wrong. Cows, buffalo, sheep, and goats—also known as ruminants—all have a four-compartment stomach. When food enters the first compartment called the rumen, microbes break down the food and through that process, produce methane: a greenhouse gas with 34 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Ruminants then belch that methane into the atmosphere (so not quite farting). According to the Climate & Clean Air Coalition, ruminants account for up to 30% of global methane emissions. 

The cow digestive system is not at all like the human digestive system. The main difference between the human digestive system and the cow's animal digestive system is simple: Cows have a stomach that consists of four compartments, commonly referred to as four stomachs. Cows spend the better part of the day eating, swallowing and regurgitating their food, and chewing it again before final digestion. Because a cow's teeth mostly grind their food, cows use their tongues – which is why they are so long – to help them gather and grasp grass for pinching off between their incisors and dental pad at the front part of their mouths.

VEGAN FARTS… EXPULSION: Herbivores belong to the classification of animals that eat only vegetation. This class of animal includes all grazers – cattle, horses, sheep, goats, antelope, zebra and more. It does not include Humans who have not evolved to only eat plant matter. Humans do not have four stomach compartments to help them breakdown only plant matter. The human digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion. Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The process of digestion has three stages. 

The esophagus is like a stretchy pipe that's about 10 inches (25 centimeters) long. It moves food from the back of your throat to your stomach. The stomach is like a mixer, churning and mashing together all the small balls of food that came down the esophagus into smaller and smaller pieces. The small intestine breaks down the food mixture even more so your body can absorb all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Unlike a cow, gasses are not trans-versing from one stomach chamber to another and the methane does not get burped out. The gas gets passed to last stop on the digestive tract, the large intestine, which pushes the poop and gas into the rectum, expelling all gas build up in the digestive process in one go. 

Without  four stomach compartments, vegans can not break down food and gasses in the same way as cows, their stomachs have not evolved to process only plant matter and are ill equipped to deal with the the gas buildup. Resulting in vegans expelling upto 7 times as much methane into the atmosphere as Herbivores. Methane is a greenhouse gas with 34 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. 

The University of Lowanna in New South Whales, Australia estimates that should all humans turn Vegan, we would account for up to 90% of global methane emissions into the atmosphere. Which could have catastrophic effects on climate change.

Lead researcher, Alinta Merindah, says: "A couple who eats vegetarian together, smells each other's vegetarian farts together."


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