Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green files Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green filing Articles of Impeachment, including the Southern Border "which today is being invaded." 

Adds Congressional abortion law that will allow termination of pregnancy up until the day of birth, "God will no longer provide protection in His grace over America."


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Comments (3)
    • Hallelujah!!! God bless & protect Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green!! 

      • The title of this work is simply "TEXT". For years there have been basically two sets of books

        kept on the Planet Earth. The set for the elite were called "text books" and they contained the

        Truth. The set of books for ordinary people were known [to the elite] as X-Text which means bad

        text or text filled with dis-information and propaganda with just a tiny bit of real truth to give

        them some sense of credibility. This book is in the for real "TEXT" format and it is not just for

        the elite - it is for everyone - for all the humans living on the Earth everywhere without regard to

        Caste or race or sex or anything else. This has not been done before, and the Author must confess

        that he went through a good bit of "interference" from various sources in the process of preparing

        this book which has been his life's work. Therefore, I trust that the generations who will use this

        book will share with me the some of the joy and fulfillment that I have experienced in the process

        of preparing this material.

      • Too bad this wont make it past the Libtards and Libtwats in the Houses....

        And You KNOW.....the SPINELESS YELLA-BELLY PUSSY REPUBLITARDS aint gonna help

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