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TO VAX OR NOT TO VAX…. A personal, constitutionally protected question.

These COVID mandates are unconstitutional. It is forcing people to undergo a medical procedure under force/duress. The vaccine does not make you immune from infection. It MAY provide additional tools in your immune system toolbox to fight the virus once infected. But this vaccine does not place a bubble of isolation around you. That is being proven over and over again. For some, the cost/benefit analysis leans more in favor of the benefits. If that is the case for any individual, then get it if you want to. But each individual must be free to evaluate the risk and make a personal choice to either accept or reject the risk.

I am a VAERS reported case of a severe adverse reaction to the H1N1 vaccine in January 2010. The immune response triggered by the vaccine caused an excess energy drain on my body. Less than 48 hours after my injection, I literally, suddenly crashed. It threw me into an energy crisis that nearly **** me; and my Stanford doctor told me the next vaccine likely will **** me. After a great many severe reactions were investigated, the only thing the government reported, when placing H1N1 on the compensable vaccines list, was that it “caused a stronger than anticipated immune response”.

So for a little context as to what our government has already pulled with another so-called pandemic, I am linking to a “60 Minutes” report on the “Swine Flu” (H1N1) vaccine debacle from 1976… when journalism actually did investigative reporting.

And I was a victim of the 2010 H1N1 vaccine pandemic “scare”.

Adverse reactions to vaccines (and a bunch of widely varied medications and over the counter meds) run in my family. My older sister at age 2 had a reaction to a vaccine; my mother in her 20s had a severe reaction to the flu vaccine; my aunt (my mother’s older sister) had a reaction to her 2nd dose of the Shingles vaccine; and grandmother (my mother’s mother) had “at least two” adverse reactions to separate vaccines when she was a young woman. We, in the family, are all highly sensitive to medications. Some are to the same medications like my mother, sister, and son have an inflammatory response to Prednisone. Some are isolated reactions to specific medications. My sister is allergic to penicillin. My son has LUNG inflammation from topically applied Hydrocortisone… yes, he puts it anywhere on his skin and his lungs inflame and he sounds like he has the croup. And very much like my Grandmother and my mother, I have a laundry list of meds I can’t take that are “generally safe” for the average person… anything from allergy medicine and anti-inflammatories (so I didn’t dare take Prednisone when it was prescribed to me), muscle relaxers, nearly every prescription strength pain med and some over the counter ones, and antibiotics. I had FOUR different severe reactions to Doxycycline, my sister had multiple severe reactions to Levaquin; we both developed tendinitis and we both still have flares of it to this day… years later. And this isn’t even an all inclusive list.

We all have considerations to make when it comes to putting things in our bodies. Heck, thanks to my FIRST VACCINE INJURY, I can’t use typical hygiene products. Three days of brushing once a day with toothpaste and my gums peel like a chemical burn, shampoo causes sores on my scalp, any kind of lotion dries my skin and makes it crack. Even the cleanest of lip balms makes my lips peel. (Thank God for baking soda and coconut oil as I use them in various ways to address all the above needs.)

So why is this vaccine not a personal choice for each and every one of us to make? I (might) qualify for a medical exemption based on my previous vaccine injury… but would my family members who share similar sensitivities? Even those who had adverse reactions to vaccines, their reactions were not officially documented like Walter Reed documented mine. In fact, the doctors involved in each case blew off their reactions.

And since this mandate looms over everyone’s head and exemptions are frequently being denied, will I not be allowed to go in public? Am I not allowed to be a productive member of society (a/k/a hold a job)? Will I not be allowed to ever again work for the federal government? Will I not be allowed to travel again? Or, depending on what city I live in or want to visit, will I not be able to go to a business, restaurant, or entertainment venue? Am I not entitled to insurance coverage? Am I not entitled to receive medical care based on triaged need instead of some hybrid criteria that takes into account my vaccine status? How about entering a federal building, like a courthouse, or to go use my retiree privileges at a military base? I face all of this and more because I refuse to risk my life YET AGAIN to take a rushed-to-market vaccine that, despite the politicians, media, and big tech telling us otherwise, there are still major questions yet to be answered.

I am thrilled for those who have taken the shot and seem to be fine. My heart breaks for those who were not so fortunate; I personally feel your pain and know a lot about the challenges you face medically, physically, emotionally, etc., financially, and how it can destroy relationships, career aspirations, and life goals. And for the sake of those vaccinated, I pray there are no long-term consequences that we simply do not know exist yet. There were no LONG-TERM studies done. The millions of people around the world are the first participants in long-term studies.

Mind you, this vaccine has significantly more VAERS reported “adverse events” and potentially-linked deaths than all other vaccines COMBINED that are currently in use.

As of the first week of November 2021, from collected date over the past 25 years, VAERS showed nearly 2000 “reported” (not confirmed but simply reported) deaths associated with the FLU vaccine. Additionally, there were over 193,700 “adverse reactions”. That is 25 years worth of data.

In contrast, over just 10 months for the COVID vaccines, VAERS showed over 17,000 “reported” deaths. Over 5400 of those deaths occurred between day 0 and day 2 of vaccine injection. And there were over 818,000 reported “adverse reactions”. That is only in TEN MONTHS worth of data!

So again I will say, why is this not a personal choice? What gives the government, or anyone else, the right to tell anyone what they MUST do to their own body in order to go to school, go to work, obtain goods and services… exist in society?

In the 60-Minutes report in the linked video, Mike Wallace interviews a government official who does everything he can to dodge questions and point fingers in other directions. Faced with facts, he throws out all the nothing-answers: it could have been this; it could have been that; I don’t know; I haven’t looked at that….

When faced with the fact that the researcher (basically a whistleblower) said the gov’t was informed, the gov’t guy tries to say that “you would have to make that assumption” (that the researcher was lying… because it couldn’t possibly be the government lying to Americans….)

So when it is PROVEN that the government agent is lying, by being confronted with the report FROM HIS OWN AGENCY confirming the gov’t DID know of the potential adverse effects, he then says that “the consensus of the scientific community” did not believe the adverse effects were associated with the vaccine… and so they made the choice NOT to inform the public about it. Folks… that is NOT informed consent.

Watch the “60 Minutes“ report. It totally reminds me of Fauci in front of Congress.


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