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The Swamp is now a Cesspool

From Sidney Powell

😠 1
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Comments (4)
    • Dear Sidney Powell: Where was your Kraken? Don't blame the President for any of this. He was utterly abandoned by his cabinet, even his VP. He had at best an uneasy alliance with RINOs in the the establishment GOP. In the end, the Republicans plunged the knife in the President's back, and did so with unbridled glee. Corporate America has swallowed the fairy tale of socialism, because the corporatists see big $$ from a Biden-led spending spree. Social media is antisocial. Bad behavior (riots, lootings, arson) is rewarded and egged on by leftwingers. The so-called "right wing" plants its thumb firmly up its anus, never registering a peep of protest. Intelligence agencies conspired against President Trump for Day 1. His military chiefs of staff insubordinately lied to him about troop drawdowns. No one inside the Beltway power circle supports President Trump - only outsiders and regular folks. How dare you imply that the President is taking no action. Give some concrete suggestions of what, exactly, he should do - and who will carry out any orders he gives. 

      Given your own abysmal track record on exposing voter fraud (which does exist in abundance), it is little wonder why the President decided to distance himself from you and your fellow mouthy nut job, L. Lin Wood. Tell us Sidney - are you really nothing but a deep state plant, acting out a prearranged role? Because that's how it appears to the normal folks who have waited in anticpation for your big reveal which never came.

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      • I wish I didn't agree with you because Sidney is a friend of mine.  But I'm afraid I have to.

        • 😠 2
      • I, too, wondered Where her 'Kraken' was and When it would be released, because it Never was! I Wanted to believe what she was saying, and cheered her on, but it was fruitless..and for her to say President Trump did Nothing is just So unfair and untrue. I've lost All confidence and interest in whatever she has to say now.

        • Very sad, indeed, that so many have dropped their support for Trump. They'll be sorry when he runs & WINS in 2024.

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