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Milo Yiannopoulos is an official staffer for Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
And before Marjorie Traitor Greene and Milo fabricate a bullshit story and deny everything I’m saying, here is evidence that #Milo #Yiannopoulos is an official staffer for Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.
- MTG claims to support Trump and is trying to be his 2024 VP
- MTG is sabotaging
#Trump by employing her staffer Milo who is the campaign manager for Ye (Kanye West) who is running against Trump in 2024
Here is a photo of Milo’s official badge for her Congressional office. It has since been deleted from his Telegram. So, it looks like their coverup has already begun!
But don’t worry, I have all the receipts saved. 😉 You can run, but you can’t hide from me you disgusting RATS!!!!
Reporters can follow up with me for more information by emailing me. Please include your phone number in the email. #MTG
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