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From Daniel Jupp

I have seen several people saying very confidently that Putin is mad. I think what they actually mean is that they think he is evil, and they don’t understand his actions, and he has taken a step or a risk that is incomprehensible to them. 

We all often use mad to mean evil. I do it about globalists. But it seems to me that even if we consider Putin evil, there are really clear and obvious rational reasons for him to invade Ukraine, and there are limits on what he is doing that can only be placed on him, given his absolute grip on power in Russia, by himself. These regions have been disputed ever since the Soviet Union fell. Putin has been in power for 22 years. If he’s a lunatic intent on world conquest, he’s a bloody cautious, slow acting one and will be dead of natural causes before he has enacted his diabolical, lunatic scheme. Klaus Schwab is acting much faster with his, and dresses the part of madman better too. 

This is what I replied to the ‘he’s mad’ point just now. 

How has he gone mad? From the Russian view, they have spent 20 years watching NATO advance towards them. They have missiles pointed at them only 100 miles away. We went to war thousands of miles away on the false rumour of WMDs in Iraq. That caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. Russia has been saying Ukraine and NATO are big issues for them since 2008. There was a brief war in 2014 because of it. Regions that have large ethnic Russian populations have declared independence from Ukraine. None of this is just Russian propaganda. It’s their perspective, but also it’s fact. The Ukrainian regime isn’t a normal democracy either. It has shelled civilians in this conflict. It has banned opposition parties. It has imprisoned rival political leaders. It is massively corrupt,and has ties with multiple western leaders which are thoroughly corrupt. Again, you don’t have to be a Russian to know this. 

I’m not saying at any point that Putin is a nice man. I’m saying Russia has a point. I’m saying our leaders have done worse. I’m saying we, the West, have fucked up again by letting globalists who don’t know anything interfere in other countries. We funded two revolutions in Ukraine that both times removed an elected pro Russian leader. Ukraine isn’t a peaceful, non aggressive country. It’s weaker than Russia, but has done similar things to pro Russians in Ukraine that Russia does to those who oppose Russia. 

We have despots too. If you can’t see that after everything that has happened in the last two years, then you’ve not been listening to my comments much. I oppose ALL tyranny-Ukrainian  as well as Russian, WEF and EU, globalist Trudeau, unelected Biden, puppet Johnson, Macron who puts snipers and tanks on the streets of Paris when people protest about him. How are these people better? And because they are closer to me, and rule the nation I’m in, they are more of a threat to me than Putin. We can’t even say ‘they don’t invade other nations’. We did it multiple times in recent years. We told ourselves we were there to help groups who were being oppressed or persecuted. Russians are told the same by their leaders. Did we make Syria better, or Afghanistan, or Iraq? This isn’t ‘whataboutism’. It isn’t relativism. I might even have supported these actions if they were for the reasons cited, and conducted with more intelligence. I always opposed them because the people doing them had corrupt reasons and I knew they would fuck it all up. 

We supplied arms to the ‘good guys’ many times too, like we are doing with Ukraine. One of those guys was Osama Bin Laden. We repeated that in Iraq, which created the well armed ISIS. Then we left 38 billion dollars worth of arms in the hands of the Taliban. Now we are arming the Ukrainians and boasting about our support for freedom. We never learn. Our good intentions (which aren’t good intentions from our leaders anyway) have done more harm than Putin’s imperial ambitions. That’s a fact. And we keep doing it. 

So who is insane?

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