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Rachel Maddow as a Debate Moderator is a Plus, Calm Down Folks!

I know, NBC released their line of debate moderators including Lestor Holt, Savannah Guthrie, Chuck Todd, José Diaz-Balart, and (Huh??!) Rachel Maddow.  Now some of you who think that Rachel Maddow is the equivalent to Sean Hannity moderating a republican debate but in opposite parties are wrong. Rachel Maddow will be an asset to the GOP side.  She will push far left.

Rachel Maddow is a liar and she promotes lies on her show every day.  One example is the last two years with Russia-gate.  But there are hundreds if not thousands more lies.  Sean tries to tell the truth, and he corrects when wrong.  And he gets it right.  He has a mostly Christian audience on both tv and radio  (#1, #2) that would hold him up to it if he lied. Sean Hannity, and quite frankly all the Fox News nightly hosts are not liars and neither is Rush Limbaugh, but Rachel Maddow and her opinion-oriented cohorts are often wrong or without merit.  They are warped in a spin.  I'm not saying Fox News is perfect. But their nightly opinion hosts pretty much get it spot-on compared to CNN and MSNBC.

Rachel Maddow taking a moderator's seat is a true pleasure.  She is already far left of Joe Biden, the front-runner.  I suspect she is also left of Warren and Buttigieg. The only candidate that holds a double-digit polling lead that is not left of Maddow is Bernie Sanders.

Do you find this whole fiasco as interesting as I do?  I will be popping the popcorn.  This will be better than the 2016 Republican Primary Debates for sure!  Because it's them, not us.  It's a socialism nightmare.  They will promise free college, free health care, student loan forgiveness, everything free for illegal aliens, yada, yada, yada.

Will Lester Holt or any one of the moderators ask them how they will pay for it?  American viewers, bill payers, and tax payers will wonder.

Meerkat Brzezinski

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