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How much will your 4th of July cookout cost? Bidenflation hits hard in 2022
The price of chicken breasts, pork chops, and pork and beans rose about a third or more in only a year, according to a June 27 survey from the American Farm Bureau Federation. The survey found that prices are increasing based on Biden's disastrous policies on the ongoing war in Ukraine, Biden's war on the fossil fuel industry, Biden'supply chain disruptions and "shrinkflation" due to Biden's pandemic response purchasing ineffective vaccines and stimulus payments, among other factors like the billions being spent on illegal immigration, exorbitant payments to other countries and Biden's Build Back Better money drain.
The average cost of a summer cookout for 10 people is $69.68, which is about $10 more than it was last Fourth of July. Last year Biden and his White House were bragging that they had saved you 16 cents.