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Follow the Money!
The only class I paid attention to was Mrs. Durkin’s history class, I’m a teenager, she wore miniskirts, dark nylons & high heels, she had my attention. I heard every word, saw every map, chart & read every book I learned World/American history, I became aware of civilizations in detailed decline, I thank her for that, & then came the 60’s. By then I was aware of the signs of a declining civilization in America decades in the making.
The war resistance, the fight for civil rights, etc. Americans of all races united in their quest for better govt. 60 years later I see that the focus on being efficient & answerable to the will of the People, once again the American people are united. I always knew politicians were corrupt & govt wasteful & abusive. I always dreamt of a govt being efficient & responsive to the will of The People but knew it would never happen.
That has changed, I see a govt acting on the will of WeThePeople, investigating itself, purging waste, corruption & enacting policies The People voted for. We presently have a govt that history will show responded to The People in a manner that saved our Republic & advanced the cause of America. These I find exciting times we live in, historic times being recorded in American History
If you wonder how this works, it’s a highly organized & effective crime structure. Just one example out of many, 2 billion in tax money is sent to a nonprofit group created by Democrat Stacey Abrams with a balance of $100, a year later that nonprofit has a balance of $ 2 billion. She takes her cut & then donates $ to other Democrat nonprofits, NPO’s (Non-Profit Organizations) are the favorite of Dems because once the $ is deposited there is no record keeping tracking how it is spent, $ then flows to other Democrat interests as some of it returns to Democrats in the form of donations. Democrats use our $ to pay off their ‘influential’ friends & support their political machine. It’s brilliant & effective but it is being exposed. This didn’t just happen, it has been decades in the making, the difference is now Americans are becoming aware.
That is why the Democrats are in a panic, they cannot stop the exposure, the team of DOGE has the intelligence & tools necessary to investigate & uncover the trail of $. This process has just begun & there is much more to uncover. The most important aspect of this is it is being exposed to the American public. This gives people a clear understanding of how govt functions under the Democrat machine, this is the destruction of a political party before our eyes. Never in our history has govt been so transparent.
The old saying ‘follow the $’ rings true today. Look at a politician’s net worth before being elected to now. Obvious examples are the squad AOC, Omar, Tlaib & Pressley who went from a low of $3000 to $41 million net worth. The obvious question is how does a politician accumulate so much $? I think you can figure out how that is possible. If you were involved in this criminal activity, you would be in panic mode as the Dems are today, exposure is a threat for them, they must stop DOGE at all costs & they are unable to do so. Attacking Tesla dealerships will not stop the investigations it only draws attention & raises the question why attack Tesla, a company that advances the Dems' platform of climate & electric vehicles?
The good news is our govt is finally on the path to being efficient & responsive to The People. Your vote changed govt & your persistence in communicating with your Representatives in Congress will ensure they vote in a manner that supports this change. This is nothing short of a people’s revolution to restore the Constitutional Republic which our Founders created. America will be fine, as long as we don’t become complacent & stop being active in governmental affairs. We are not just living through history, we are making it & as a result, we will all prosper & maintain our Liberties.
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Frank D. Lovell
American Patriots
Free State of Florida