This is How the Refugee Resettlement Program Works

CORE developed the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program Overview video to provide refugee applicants and other stakeholders with insight into the resettlement process. The video guides viewers through the steps from RSC Prescreening interview through arrival in the United States.

Resettlement is an international protection tool and a durable solution for refugees. In its support to the United States Refugee Admission Program (USRAP), IOM works closely with governments and other partners, to enable resettlement to the U.S. RSC operations include the collection of biographic and other information from refugees referred by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), U.S. Embassies and U.S. designated NGOs. In close coordination with PRM’s Refugee Processing Center (RPC), IOM helps prepare cases for security screening, interview and adjudication by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). IOM manages three of the seven PRM-funded regional RSCs and provides movement assistance in all seven regions (see map above). Further, IOM provides or supports required pre-migration health activities at some locations in all seven regions.

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