Suspect Takes Hostages at the synagogue Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas

Suspect Takes Hostages at the synagogue Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas

According to reports the suspect's sister is a convicted terrorist sitting in jail.

Thoughts go out to Rabbi Charlie and all the congregants at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville. 


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Comments (5)
    • Not Arab but Pakistani Terrorist, The kidnapper's sister is Aafia Siddiqui a scientist and terrorist


      • UPDATE: Synagogue Hostage situation in  

        • Started 3 hrs ago (11:30 am) 
        • At Beth Israel Synagogue, Colleyville
        • Police, FBI, SWAT on scene 
        • FBI negotiating now with the armed hostage taker 
        • Rabbi among those held 
        • Motif unclear 
        • Area evacuated


        • Gunman at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Texas is demanding the release of his sister, who is a convicted terrorist being incarcerated at Carswell Air Force Base.

            • A rabbi and 3 others were taken mid-Bar Mitzvah at the reform Beth Israel in , on Saturday by a gunman who said he was the brother of Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year prison sentence for killing an FBI agent.

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