Man uses a flamethrower on top of a #NYC Bus - View from the Ground

CRAZY FLAMETHROWER STUNT on top of a City Bus for the new video "Wu Tang is for the children"  in front of the ODB Mural in Brooklyn NY.

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Comments (4)
    • Years ago, some people would have tried to stop this crazy - today the first instinct is to film it.

      • 1
      • Societies norms are breaking down to the level of the lowest common denominator, when that happens, the civilization implodes. Which reminds me of this book: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, author Jared Diamond,

        • 1
      • Will check it out. Thanks.

        • 2
        • It is one of those difficult reads, I caved and got the audio book half way through. It is very informative. 

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