Defamation Lawsuits Coming After Many U.S. media Outlets and Journalists labeled Kyle Rittenhouse, A Mass Murderer or Worse

Defamation Lawsuits Coming After Many U.S. media Outlets and Journalists labeled Kyle Rittenhouse, A Mass Murderer or Worse.

Rosanna Arquette

Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted is a crime in itself

Occupy Democrats

BREAKING: Alleged sex trafficker Rep. Matt Gaetz says he may hire alleged murderer Kyle Rittenhouse as a congressional intern to see if he is "interested in helping the country in additional ways." RT IF YOU THINK BOTH OF THEM BELONG IN PRISON NOT CONGRESS!

Jamira Burley

is a murderer, I don’t need a jury to confirm that.

Ashley Nicole Moss

Kyle Rittenhouse is a MURDERER. despite the narrative some people would like to push — he's not an American hero defending this 'great land' and no verdict will change that fact. he simply has the right skin color for protection from his crimes. 

sickening, but not shocking.

Alex Goldschmidt

Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer, but at least he’s a white murderer so he’ll never have to worry about any consequences for his actions! 


Left Voice

Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist murderer, protected by the racist "justice" system in a profoundly racist country

Racheline Maltese

We all know is a murderer. We just live in a country that thinks that's a feature not a bug.

Peter J Hasson

New York congressman calls Kyle Rittenhouse a "murderer" and credits "white tears" for his acquittal

Councilman Delvin J. Moody

I can cuss…. is a murderer…

Kendall Scudder

There cannot be a clearer depiction of the two different Americas in which we live than and . Kyle may have been acquitted today, but he’s still a murderer who’s privilege mixed with a rigged system is allowing him to walk free. It’s disgusting.

Adrian Espaillat

Kyle Rittenhouse is living proof that white tears can still forestall justice. A murderer is once again walking free today — our system is terribly broken.

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Comments (4)
    • Why are the LEFT so violent when they do not get their own way?

      • Uniting this country will be an impossible task as long as the woke left keep up the lies and stand against the rule of law.

        • These are Biden's people in his own political party that he can't tame. 

          Both from New York and one self proclaimed illegal immigrant! No wonder they do not respect the law.  

          • I hope he sues the crap out of everyone humanly possible, including the illegitimate WH resident, for defamation of character. That includes Twitter & Facebook for censoring pro-Kyle posts!

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