Awesome Gamebird Flight

My son and I had a real treat Friday. This is a GameBird GB1. Very sporty, aerobatic plane. It's a much faster plane than the Cessna 172 we typically fly. Takeoff was thrilling; rushing down the runway and off the ground before mid-field. I haven't felt that kind of power on takeoff since getting to ride right-seat in a Cessna Mustang. (It's a very different experience looking out the cockpit window verses being in the back of the plane.)

My son got to fly both left and right aileron rolls AND a full loop. The Chief told me he did "the best first aileron roll" out of everyone's first try at it. And he did a great, symmetrical loop; he was just a little inconsistent with the Gs during the first half of the loop. I could image that would have a little learning curve the first time you pull yourself into a full loop. Can you say "inverted"? 🤣

My flight was quick because of time constraints. My son called and told me, "get down here, and make it quick!" I literally dropped everything and headed to the airport.

I had to put on a parachute.... I had to be strapped in. Each were new firsts for me. I was given a vomit sack.... My first question, "Are you going to try and make me use that?" 🤪

I was put through all the maneuvers (only part of the video). Halfway through I told him no vomit bag necessary. 😂 You can hear me laughing with joy throughout my flight; even while pulling just over 4 Gs. Unfortunately, I only had time to fly one left aileron roll myself. But WOW, just WOW!

The flight controls are very sensitive. The first thing I did was rock the wings just to get a feel for flying a stick (vs a yoke). The slightest movement left or right gave a very precise back and forth wing tilt. Response was instantaneous, both initiating a change in direction, stopping, or reversing direction; so it was easy to feel one with the plane.

I am extremely thankful both my son and I were given this very cool opportunity. Talking with him later, we both agreed it was an addictive experience. And THAT 💸💰💸 is the dangerous part. 🤣

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