WATCH: NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Tells Woman to "Eat The Whole Sausage"

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo accused of pressuring female reporter to ‘eat the whole sausage’ in ‘creepy’ video. His brother Chris keeps asking Don Lemon if he likes shrimp.

Clip from state fair resurfaces after he apologized for making two sex harassment accusers 'uncomfortable', but shrugged it off as 'levity and banter'. Cuomo's daughter is sitting at his side watching the creepy sausage. 

Cuomo is a ladies man famous for:

  • asking woman to play strip poker
  • telling woman to eat the “whole sausage” 
  • kissing woman inappropriately, like Biden does children.
  • lies constantly about nursing home COVID deaths, that killed your parents
  • threatens to “destroy” you if you out him as a predator
  • Hangs out with sexual predator enabler Hillary Clinton (Harvey Weinstein's best friend)

The footage resurfaced on the day Cuomo tried to explain away allegations of sexual harassment as “jokes” that were misinterpreted as “unwanted flirtation.”

“At work sometimes I think I am being playful and make jokes that I think are funny. I do, on occasion, tease people in what I think is a good natured way,” Cuomo said in a prepared statement.

It came one day after former Cuomo staffer Charlotte Bennett, 25, alleged to the New York Times that the governor made a series of inappropriate remarks that left her convinced he “wanted to sleep with” her.

That claim, in turn, came less than a week after another former staffer, Lindsey Boylan, expanded on accusations she first revealed in December 2020, alleging that Cuomo kissed her on the lips without warning.

Meanwhile, Cuomo agreed to let state Attorney General Letitia James appoint an outside investigator into the growing scandal.

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    • Cuomo is gross

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