WATCH: China Printed Fake 2020 US Election Ballots for MS, FL and NC in Kwangtung, China

Chinese whistleblower reveals video and photos of alleged Chinese counterfeit ballot printing operations.  Ballots for MS, FL and NC were allegedly printed in Kwangtung, China.

The Translation of these conversations has been confirmed by members of the StreetLoc team who speak Chinese. 

As you will see from the images below the following Twitter Accounts were informed of this on Nov 29, 2020, so why have we not see the authorities act on this? 

@gatewaypundit @scrowder @JennaEllisEsq @benshapiro @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @michaeljknowles @SteveDeaceShow @glennbeck @RudyGiuliani @SidneyPowell1

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