Republicans in California Are Told They've 'Already Voted' In Recall Election

Republicans in California Told They've 'Already Voted' In Recall Election, creating frustration and confusion. 

88-year-old Estelle Bender, a Republican, said she wasn't the only person who was told incorrectly that they had already voted.

"The man next to me was arguing the same thing," said Bender, who was given a provisional ballot that she filled out and then "left really angry."

Deceased Ashli Babbitt, Who Was Shot and Killed by Capitol Police on Jan 6 received 3 ballots. 

They are likely hoping Republicans will be tempted to submit multiple ballots so that they can accuse them of election fraud. 


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Comments (1)
    • Ashli Babbitt, of all people, was mailed THREE ballots, & Scott Baio posted on Twitter that he received FOUR ballots in the mail. WTH??? Many precincts in the L.A. area have reported at least 70% of people showing up to submit their ballots are told "you've already voted," when they hadn't. So what's really going on? Who's "voting" on ballots they shouldn't be? None of it's surprising, really - this is California we're talking about - you know, the hub of ballot harvesting & votes by the dead....

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