President Biden now says "there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in next several months."

Joe Biden after telling American, that we had been slogging through months of a botched-to-nonexistent pandemic response by a president who put his own political considerations over what the science told him, the American people seemed to have traded him in for a leader who pledged to make facts and data the basis of his anti-coronavirus program.

President Biden now says "there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in next several months."

That president-elect Joe Biden would “listen to the scientists” and pursue a pandemic response “informed by science and by experts” was one of the most repeated and central pledges of his candidacy. The editors of Scientific American gave Biden their first presidential endorsement in 175 years for “offering fact-based plans” and policies based on “legitimate science” and “expertise.” Upon winning, a flood of announcements from the press and elsewhere proclaimed he was about to restore science to its rightful place at the heart of policy-making. House speaker Nancy Pelosi even justified accepting a far worse stimulus package than one she earlier nixed because “we have a new president — a president who recognizes that we need to depend on science to stop the virus.”

After winning the election on a “listen to the scientists” message, and telling the American people that he’d step right in and crush the COVID pandemic, Biden announced today that there’s not much he’ll be able to do to change the trajectory of the virus “for the next several months”.

“If we fail to act, there will be a wave of convictions and foreclosures in the coming months as this pandemic rages on. Because there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,” Biden said.

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