CNN Guest Roasts 'Reliable Sources' Host Brian Stelter

Controversial author Michael Wolff to 'Reliable Sources' Host Brian Stelter "You become part of, one of the parts of the problem of the media. You know, you come on here, and you have a monopoly on truth - you know, you know exactly how things are supposed to be done. You know, you are why one of the reasons people can’t stand the media, I’m sorry." 

Admittedly Michael Wolff was on CNN to promote his upcoming "tell-all" book on Trump. 

Michael Wolff: "You are the flip side of Donald Trump...  most people don’t want to turn to Brian Stelter to tell us what’s real." 

Stelter: "Then why did you bother coming on CNN a few times this week?" 

Wolff: "You know, I’m a book salesman."

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