CNN “Democracy for Sale,” Used Voting System to Switch votes and Win the Election

In a 2006 CNN segment entitled “Democracy for Sale,” the network reported a “company owned by Venezuela could be allowed to take over one of our top voting machine firms.” Less than two decades later, that premonition has come to pass, though CNN today contradicts their own reporting from 2006.

CNN’s BOMBSHELL report on Dominion Smartmatic software back when they had no vested interest to lie like they do now. “Chavez was losing on election night & used Smartmatic to switch votes & won the next day”

Fifteen years ago CNN reported that watchdog groups were questioning why U.S. voting machines would be under the control of citizens from another country.

“We believe this is a national security issue. There is no way that companies belonging to non US corporations should have access to our elections,” lamented Joan Krawicz of Vote Trust USA.

Fast forward to November 2020 and CNN is now claiming, on its website:

“…there is no evidence that Dominion machines used Smartmatic software, as Powell suggested — and thus zero connection between Venezuela and the company whose voting machines were actually used in the swing states Trump is focusing on. Both Dominion and Smartmatic have said that they are competitors with no corporate links.”


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