Biden is Seeding new COVID Variants into the U.S. Creating a Border Crisis

The tip of the iceberg near Yuma, AZ as immigrants begin to flood into the US responding to Joe Biden’s open border, catch and release policy.  

How many have COVID?

The answer is no one really knows as testing is limited, the few that are testing are raising the alarm. Felipe Romero, a spokesman for Brownsville, Texas, said 185 migrants rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station showed they were infected with COVID-19, up from the 108 who tested positive last week, Fox News reported Monday. Dr. Fauci silent on the Covid risk with the Border being wide open.

Record number of unaccompanied migrant children held in facilities meant for adults. Nearly half of the children — 1,400 — have been held beyond the three-day legal limit. More than 3,200 unaccompanied migrant children are being housed in Customs and Border Protection holding facilities, two sources confirmed.

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