$1 Million for every American - Math is hard

Now we know why every Democratic Poll is wrong!

NYT Ed. Board’s Mara Gay: "Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. U.S. Population, 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million" 

MSNBC’s Brian Williams: “Don't tell us if you are ahead of us on the Math!

MSNBC’s Brian Williams: “It’s an incredible way of putting it. It’s true. It’s disturbing”

Bloomberg could've given every American $1.52 


327 million x 1 million = 327 TRILLION.

Mine Mike Bloomberg is only worth $52 BILLION.  

The ENTIRE US ECONOMY only generated $27 TRILLION in '18. 

It would take over 12 years to give every American a $1 million if you distributed the output of the entire economy every year. 327 trillion / 27 trillion = 12.111 years

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