The Greatest Threat to the Survival of Israel is the American Progressive Movement

Only the Republican Party will continue to guarantee America’s support and the survival of the world’s only Jewish state. Supporters of Israel would do well to keep this in mind in 2024.

A couple of years ago, a local Jewish community organization invited me to join a planning session to develop its lobbying agenda in advance of our state’s upcoming legislative session. As an officer of our state Republican Party, I appreciated the invitation, as I imagined the group wanted to include conservatives in its process.

Wanting to participate but wanting to find an issue that might have broad support, I suggested the group lobby for enhanced anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) legislation and state government action. The director of the local university’s Hillel, an Israeli, seconded my proposal.

Surely, I thought, liberal and conservative Jews could agree that opposing BDS should be a high priority of Jewish groups’ lobbying.

I was wrong.

#AmericanGreatness #Israel #Gaza #Palestine

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