Goya Foods Names AOC Employee Of The Month after she called for a Boycott

Goya Foods CEO and president CEO Bob Unanue, has named Alexandria Cortez (D-NY)  as employee of the month after she call for a boycott of Goya products back in July because Unanue supported President Trump.

ACO was offended after Goya's CEO said after a visit to the WhiteHouse “We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder.”

AOC wanted to make her own spice: “Oh look, it’s the sound of me Googling ‘how to make your own Adobo.'”

Goya Foods and president CEO Bob Unanue revealed that after Rep. Alexandria Cortez (D-NY)  has been named “Employee of the Month” by GOYA  because sales rose so dramatically.


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