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Send your message of support to young Lydia!

"School Administrators forced joyful and spunky third-grader, Lydia Booth, to remove and replace her mask. Why? Because it had “Jesus Loves Me” written on it.  Lydia isn’t looking to cause trouble. She only wants to share the love of Jesus with her friends and classmates.

Lydia’s constitutional rights don’t disappear when she steps into school. Thank you for helping us defend her.

At nine years old, Lydia has been forced to experience what no American ever should: fear of punishment for expressing her faith. "


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Keep abreast of the latest from the front lines on the Mexico/US Border:

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More fallout from 'Woke' policies.

From ZeroHedge

"255 'Transgender' Inmates Request Transfer To Women's Prisons After California Passes New Law"


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Real Anthony Aguero livestreaming from border now! via @YouTube 

My review of POTUS' first presser March 25th, 2021:

************ Liar *************************

That is all.

PS Subscribe to these channels if you want to know the truth about the border crisis



"What all this reveals about the terrible judgment and politicization of top levels of the U.S. military is truly an existential threat to the nation. It is not one that will be solved by Congress sending more money to an institution this badly intellectually and ideologically corrupted. It will only be solved by Congress demanding that the U.S. military be stripped of identity politics cant and corruption..."

Bill Gates is more of a threat to our Republic more than you may already think. His plan is already well in motion.

Article at Link Article at link: 'Sue Google For Canceling Medical Science' 

“Does Google have a secret panel of doctors that have resumes more powerful than other experts in the field? It seems that Google does not want virologists and experts collaborating on medical science and exploration much less allow citizens access to information and knowledge about health, threats and treatments. So, Google is going against the National Institute of Health and even clinical trials.”

Can you keep up?

We have reached the outer limits of .

Reminds of the Outer Limits intro:

**They control the horizontal, they control the vertical. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission.**

Check out Orbys on 9-5 Hackers' Podcast from Feb 21st !  Their CEO & CTO discuss with the host their "views on the current political climate and what's in store for us in 2021 and beyond."



Facebook vs Australia: Social Media giant plays hardball & steps in it's own excrement. 

Looks like Zuckerberg figured if it could take down a Super Power President, why not an entire country! 

"It didn’t just block content from news pages: Australian users woke up Thursday to find the accounts of fire and emergency services, domestic violence charities, and government health agencies affected, too. Facebook is reinstating pages that it didn’t intend to block, but the initial response will be costly for the company." 

Side note: Not to ignore the UK is censoring the hell of it's own peoples; they just don't want BigTech telling THEM what to do.

Good grief - this is what the budget side of the US Government Congress (the House of Representatives) has decided to spend their time on (aka our tax dollars on):
Fining members et al for not wearing a mask "$1,000 for each day that such violation occurs."

No mention where the $1000 fines would go - maybe Pelosi's Happy Hour budget?

Oscar El Blue with Border Network News is the  Andy Ngo  of the US-Mexican Border.  He’s a must-follow if you want facts, not fluff, live from the border.