The S2 Project

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It's been a long time since I've posted here.

Mostly because I've been busy doing the Patriot work of a thousand Americans that won't take a stand. Before we can win the battles to regain freedom in this country. We first must win the war on complacency.


Making the case again for Community thinking over focusing on Federalism. For those who have the attention span above an 😎8th grader.

How are We People to rally against the Globalism's push when We are meeting them half way with our focus on national or Federalism issues? When we should be all the way at the other end of the road, as far away from Globalism that We can get, focused on our Communities.  

I get the commonality of shouting, "U S A!" "U S A!" "U S A!" But half of Us should be shouting, "Our Town!" "Our Town!" "Our Town!" , in the pauses between. "U S A!" "Our Town!" "U S A!" "Our Town!" "U S A!" "Our Town!" "U S A!" 

A lot has already been posted about- Smart Meters, Bad. So I'm not going in to that here. Do your own research. But to get rid of them, We have to pass our own laws with having the Fire Marshalls on our side. Which means getting back control of our local councils. And by putting that dirty word of "effort" into play. In association with another word you may not like called "teamwork" to share the work load to get the job done. 

The American Paper & Ink War. 

The S2 Project, Commander's notebook, 9/5/2023, 1st entry this day.

Everybody wants the kitchen sink. But none of the cowards want to step out of their comfort zones to connect the plumbing. Or put the time in to read in installation manual. Every bit of 'fight back' takes some effort.

-Commander, The S2 Project

The point of attack that Patriots should consider is when States started adding ''laws'' to state constitutions protect (it)(them)selves and debate which ones are legal and those that are not. All of which begins with actually reading these documents. Such a refusal to do so also defines, "we are here", in the same time line. The general attitude that someone else do all the work is a forfeit. Adding 10,000 forfeits up end to end still equals zero. Zero liberty. Zero freedom. Zero protection of Rights.

Where we are in the time line is a mass psychoses of complacency. Infor-mation overload in the Federal Fixation zone where the backyard hometown politics, acts of treason, and other high crimes & misdemeanors goes totally unnoticed.

America is not coming back until we start looking for and finding these local deviants & deviations from what is true and morally righteous. Waiting for corrections from top down only, is a generations long wait. While bottom up will find great improvement within a decade. The mass complacency psychoses & Federal Fixation is to GOV., Inc.'s advantage. An advantage that can be nullified by using and strengthening rule of law locally. But not by people hiding in their basement or inside their own minds falsely believing they are weak and ineffectual. Once again defining, "we are here".

are years past due on a revolution of our own making. Defending the hometowns/ home forts and declaring that evil shall not pass or stand within its gates. Years passed the required house keeping of a Republic which each small place is part of & civilly reasonable for.

The American Paper & Ink War.

The S2 Project, Commander's notebook, 7/23/2023, 1st entry. us.

If you've read Sun Tzu from the beginning to the end and the end to the beginning- No explanation necessary.

If you've never read Sun Tzu - No explanation possible.

I realize I don't expend a lot of time on this platform. You can find me more often at or 

So a bit of explaining. 

I'm for taking the fight to the enemy on the ground of our choosing. Doing battle with the pen before there is need to do battle with the sword. The stolen election from Kari Lake in Arizona, covid that can be tracked back to 2013, are two example of how the enemy has used the pen against us. 

If we do not turn that (the pen work) around all the ammo, rifles and swords are useless. Our freedoms where established by our creator and recognized with the pen. The disagreement was fought over with force of arms true. But our freedoms where concreted in place with the pen. Now our enemies seek to undo us with the pen. 

From age 14 to 94 everyone can fight with the pen. We are in a much more limited number with rifles. I also want to emphasize the pen is ink on paper. The HARD COPY. Not digital convenience or conveyance. FAX machines which equal certified mail under law the exception. 

The Patriot tool chest (the pen work) is a vast armory that is collecting dust. If we are to do the house cleaning necessary to keep our freedoms, we need to start a field day dusting in that armory. Putting those tools to work. Oiling the rusty parts by educating ourselves to use them. 

The American Paper & Ink War.

The S2 Project, Commander's notebook, 12/25/2022, 2nd entry.

We're in this for getting the win.

Have you ever heard of "Legally Kidnapped"? It's when children get taken away from the parents without probable cause on the word of a false witness or witnesses. It's all a set up.

Help save these to children from the system.

The mother is a real deal Patriot. The legal fund she needs to raise is $100K +.

#MAGA #CONSTITUTION #AccountableGovernment #COS #ProLife #StopABORTION #LibertyCommunity #BlueLivesMatter #MAGA #RescueAmerica #ThinBlueLine #CAPITALISM #CHRISTIAN #FactsMatter #SunTzu #Ruthlessness

#AnswerTheCall #TheS2Project #Volunteer #FOIA #United #sovereignty



#TheS2Project #volunteer #WalkAway #standbackandstandby #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #PatriotsInTune #TheFightIsLocal #givesendgoarmy #RedWaveRider #ICancelBack #IVote

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THE S2 PROJECT WILL OFFICIALLY BE AT THE STURGID MOTORCYCLE RALLY. 6 AUG to 15 AUG. 2021 OVER 500,000 PEOPLE EXPECTED TO VISIT THE SOUTH DAKOTA BLACK HILLS THIS YEAR. We have been telling you for a long time to get out of the house and meet new Patriots like yourself. We don't scream “Please Donate” daily like so many other good causes do. But we do put our money where our mouth is.

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For questions & comments, visit our website.

For questions & comments, visit our website. 

The point may not be to get the FOIA requests filled.

But to have those D's run for the hills. 

Liberty & freedom are a team effort. 

For questions & comments, visit our website.