It's been a long time since I've posted here.

Mostly because I've been busy doing the Patriot work of a thousand Americans that won't take a stand. Before we can win the battles to regain freedom in this country. We first must win the war on complacency.


Making the case again for Community thinking over focusing on Federalism. For those who have the attention span above an 😎8th grader.

How are We People to rally against the Globalism's push when We are meeting them half way with our focus on national or Federalism issues? When we should be all the way at the other end of the road, as far away from Globalism that We can get, focused on our Communities.  

I get the commonality of shouting, "U S A!" "U S A!" "U S A!" But half of Us should be shouting, "Our Town!" "Our Town!" "Our Town!" , in the pauses between. "U S A!" "Our Town!" "U S A!" "Our Town!" "U S A!" "Our Town!" "U S A!" 

A lot has already been posted about- Smart Meters, Bad. So I'm not going in to that here. Do your own research. But to get rid of them, We have to pass our own laws with having the Fire Marshalls on our side. Which means getting back control of our local councils. And by putting that dirty word of "effort" into play. In association with another word you may not like called "teamwork" to share the work load to get the job done. 

The American Paper & Ink War. 

The S2 Project, Commander's notebook, 9/5/2023, 1st entry this day.