What we already know, caught on camera! 

It’s time for the big tech executives to go to jail. 

These companies have committed serious crimes, which is why two weeks ago I filed a RICO case against Twitter, Facebook, Jack Dorsey, and Mark Zuckerberg! 

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    • NEVER gonna happen

      • New York Post reports on the Project Veritas Bombshell

        "Twitter does not believe in free speech," Sir Murugesan said in a series of hidden-camera clips released late Monday by Project Veritas.

        "Our jobs are at stake - he's a capitalist, and we weren't really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist," Murugesan said. "We're all like Commie as f-k."

        "I think it's just like the environment, like you're there and you become like this Commie - they call it 'Commifornia,' he said of staffers' nickname for woke California.

        Murugesan went on to say that while conservative voices were returning to the site en masse in light of Musk's intended takeover, staffers have been "stress eating" and "worried for our jobs" after a prolonged period where "essentially everyone gets to do whatever they want.

        "If you're not feeling it, you can take a few days off," he was recorded saying. "People have taken months off."

        "I basically went to work like four hours a week last quarter," he added. "And it's just how it works in our company."

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