WATCH: Daunte Wright Resisting Arrest and Getting Shot "Taser! Taser! Taser!"

The video shows three officers on a traffic stop, but the only video released was a minute-long clip from the officer who fired her weapon.

Body cam footage just shown at press conference of shooting. Officer pulls gun instead of Taser, "Oh shit! I just shot him!"

Wright was with his girlfriend Sunday afternoon, driving to his older brother's house, when police pulled him over in the Minneapolis suburb for an expired tag, police said. Officers learned he had an outstanding warrant and attempted to handcuff him while he was standing outside his car.

The officer whose camera footage was released is heard warning the man she's going to use her Taser on him, before repeatedly shouting, "Taser! Taser! Taser!"

Then, the officer is heard screaming, "Holy sh*t! I just shot him."

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