Joe Biden's Crooked Balls - Joe once praised Gov. Cuomo's 'enormous balls'

The New York Post wrote:

President Biden once spoke admiringly about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “absolutely enormous balls” — and illustrated his remarks with an indecent gesture, according to a report Tuesday.

The incident, which reportedly took place before an official event in Rochester in 2015, was recounted to the New York Times Magazine by a Cuomo aide who spoke at the time with Biden, then the nation’s vice president.

“Can I tell you my favorite thing about the governor?” Biden reportedly said.

“He’s got tremendous balls. Absolutely enormous balls.”

Biden also reportedly cupped his hands as if he were holding a pair of melons, the magazine said.

While it has absolutely nothing to do with Bidens golf swing, it is something to think about as you watch Biden take a swing. 

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Comments (1)
    • Well that's about par for the crook...

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