Brown Bear Plays with Skiers in Romania

Romania, land of bears, wolves, werewolves, bats, vampires.

Some people are calling the Skier out for irresponsible behavior after he skied away from the bear. 

Repostez acest videoclip pentru ca doream sa fie public in conditiile in care presa a prezentat lucrurile dintr-o perspectiva falsa. Pe scurt, Stoica Adrian, care inteleg din filmarea sa ca este monitor de schi, s-a desprins intentionat de grupul format pe partie in deal fata de urs (eram in nur de 15 persoane). Din acest grup am facut aceasta filmare cu zoom in care se vede cum el a inceput sa coboare si sa provoace ursul la al urma in coborare pentru o " filmare de senzatie". 

Cei din grup strigau sa ne grupam sa nu coboram spre el, Stoica Adrian a inceput sa filmeze si urmarea se vede si in filmul sau, cand ajunge cu ursul alergand pe urmele lui, pana in zona cu copii si adulti incepatori. Intrebarea este: Ce s-ar fi intamplat daca ursul si-ar fi schimbat brusc traiectoria spre ceilalti schiori?

I repost this video because I wanted it to be public in the conditions in which the press presented things from a false perspective. In short, Stoica Adrian, who understands from his filming that he is a ski monitor, intentionally broke away from the group formed on the slope on the hill in front of the bear (I was only 15 people). From this group I made this zoom film in which it is seen how he started to descend and provoke the bear to follow him down for a "sensational filming". Those in the group shouted for us not to go down to him, Stoica Adrian started filming and the result can be seen in his film, when he arrives with the bear running in his footsteps, to the area with children and beginners. The question is: What would have happened if the bear had suddenly changed its trajectory towards the other skiers? 
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