Biden Takes Sides Says he praying for the “RIGHT VERDICT” in Derek Chauvin's trial

President Biden called George Floyd’s family to express his support, saying that he was praying for the “right verdict” in Derek Chauvin's trial. He defended his decision to weigh in on an unresolved trial, saying he waited until the jury was sequestered.


“Because of the announcement that a verdict will soon be announced in the Chauvin trial, the President’s remarks on the American Jobs Plan after his virtual tour of Proterra have been rescheduled,” White House tells Alliemal CNN

Why didn’t Biden call for calm ahead of trial verdict? Instead he chose to make stupid comments “praying fo the right verdict”. The level of stupidity we’ve come to expect from this “President”. 

People who are not members of the Chauvin jury:

  • Joe Biden
  • Maxine Waters
  • Mayor of Baltimore
  • BLM, Inc
  • Literally every person commenting right now on Twitter with an opinion as to the “right” verdict

Let me get this straight. “Presumed Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt as determined under due process according to formal procedure administered by a judge before a jury of the peers of the accused.” is now replaced by “Delphic POTUS”?

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