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Doesn’t promote respect for all colors. We of the 60’s fought hard for no color barriers. 

Question:  does COVID feed off carbon dioxide? Explains crowded indoor spreaders?

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Apparently getting boosters is not a get out of jail card. Still no indoor crowds in parties.

Reposted's post.

NEW - Several triple-vaccinated staffers infected with #COVID19 following BuzzFeed's Holiday party in NYC - despite mask rules & vaccination cards entry. 

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changed a profile picture
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changed a profile cover
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Reposted Miska Simpson 🧨's post.

If the virus spreads from country to country.... then it is obviously the vaccinated people spreading it.... because only they can fly.... even though they got negative PCR test in the last 24 hours...


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Reposted Mike Westcott's comment.

I guess the PCR tests do not work either and the CDC has relied on them for the last 2 years to "keep us safe" is there anything we can believe any more?

Abrams who???

The almighty FB granted permission. Really?

Who decided a virus can be blocked or controlled? Flu boosters yearly already. Common cold cannot be controlled, flu cannot be controlled neither can COVID be controlled. Face it! The strong will survive!

Reposted's post.

JUST IN - Denmark reports 5,120 new COVID-19 cases, the highest 24-hour increase on record. 87% of the population is fully vaccinated.