Woke Policies Threaten to Shatter America's Multi-Generational Military legacy

The U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force all face a severe and worsening recruiting crisis that imperils their future strength, readiness, and warfighting capabilities. Despite devoting immense resources and effort towards attracting qualified recruits, only the Marine Corps and Space Force are meeting targets for bringing in the next generation of talent. This deeply troubling trend has profound implications for national security if left unaddressed.

At the core of this challenge lies a growing disconnect between the culture and values of contemporary American youth and the traditional ethos of military service. Compared to past generations, an ever-shrinking percentage of the population has any direct familial ties or personal familiarity with the armed forces. The concept of military service as a default pathway or rite of passage has diminished significantly.

Most concerning, the recruiting shortfalls now impact a vital demographic that has historically formed the backbone of the all-volunteer force -- young Americans from multi-generational military families. For decades, these legacy families have sustained a vibrant pipeline of highly motivated and dedicated recruits, passing down a shared sense of purpose, tradition, and identity. However, that generational continuity of service shows unprecedented signs of fraying.

#AmericanThinker #Military #Recruiting #Culture #Woke

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