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Artist Scott LoBaido

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Share the President (DJT) Advisory 1776 Commission that Biden got rid of on the WhiteHouse site. This is our history, cannot erase it. This great nation has come a long way in the last 70 years with great strides. To believe the lies pushed by the media is just propaganda meant to push an agenda by corrupt politicians and Marxists. Blacks are not victims, they have the same opportunities to make the same wise choices we (Asians, Hispanic, Indian, Caucasian Polynesian, etc..) all do. Stop pushing your bullshit lies!!! , but until you do we all know

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Damn straight!!!

1776 Commission Director: Abolishing the Commission Won’t ‘Get Rid of These Principles’

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With President-imposed Joe Biden seizing control of the White House after a widespread cover-up of electoral fraud, states are getting serious about the idea of secession as a way to insulate themselves from left-wing corruption. Patriotic activists in Weld County, Colo. are organizing to be reincorporated as part of Wyoming.…                                   

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