Sitting at lunch and the guy at the table next to me is having a lunch meeting with a man who is clearly a pick up artist/ dating coach, talking about the best way to entertain the girl he’s currently interested in. 

He was talking about his dates and then said “yeah the date was going well until I ordered a steak well done. And then she looked at me in disgust and said “oh you’re one of those guys?”

😂 poor guy got dumped over his steak preference. I almost chocked on my sushi laughing so hard listening in on the convo.

But seriously. Medium rare all the way. She has a point 😹

  • 😆 3
    • Rough world out there when steak preference is a “deal breaker”. 

      I personally would have focused on their political affiliation or feelings about vaccine mandates instead...

      • image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=2739&dpx=1&t=1633542066

      • Gatekeeping cooking preferences: gatekeeping

        • I like my steak medium rare and my fish cooked! 😜

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